Caliber Change on a SIG P226 from .40S&W to 9mm #554
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we do a caliber change on a SIG P226 from .40S&W to 9mm
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we do a caliber change on a SIG P226 from .40S&W to 9mm
Shooting Hollow points with the Remington RP45, do they feed reliably?? Please visit our Patreon Page at, your contributions would be greatly appreciated and would help us grow our selections and frequency in our videos.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we do some range time with the Springfield Armory XD9 after all the Springer Precision Upgrades. We made a superb pistol even better.
Yamil Sued range test the new Dawson Precision Competition Sight sett for the Sig Sauer P320
In this episode we test if you can use SIG P226 9mm magazines with the new Taurus G3 9mm Pistol. Do they fit?? To they function correctly? Watch and find out #GSR #Taurus #SIGP226
Yamil Sued shows how to transform a full size Sig Sauer P320 into a Compact P320 with the Caliber X-Change Kit.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take a brief look at the coolest upgrade for a Taurus G3 and G3c.