EDC Maintenance for the Remington Lightweight Commander #211
EDC Maintenance for the Remington Lightweight Commander
EDC Maintenance for the Remington Lightweight Commander
In this episode we take the new Ruger 57 Pistol to the range. C2 Tactical loaned us the pistol from their rental cabinet, this is one fun pistol to shoot. #GSR #Ruger
Introduction to the SIG P365 SAS #789 In this episode we take a first look at the SIG P365 SAS, or Sig Anti Snag Pistol.. SIG has added several features to make this great compact pistol slicker and easier to shoot. Well, is it?? Check it out!!
How-To Replace Grips on a Remington RM380 #781 In this episode Gun Stock Reviews, we are replacing the grips on the Remington RM380 with the grips from the RM380 Executive. These synthetic grips are more ergonomic and fit my hands much better. Check it out, this is an easy and inexpensive upgrade for your RM380.
In this episode we take a quick first look at the new Ruger Lite Rack LCP II. This is a sub compact .22 LR Pistol. This is a fun little plinker that is sure to give hours of range fun for pennies a shot. #GSR #Ruger #LCPII
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we review the APEX Tactical XD-S MOD.2 Action Enhancement Trigger Kit.
In this episode we will be testing the new Colt Defensive Ammunition by Double Tap with both the 3″ King Cobra and the new 6″ Colt Python. We will see how the same ammunition behaves in two different barrel lengths. #GSR #Colt #Python #DoubleTap #KingCobra