Exclusive First Look at the Remington Ultimate Defense 21 Pellet #4 Shot Reduced Recoil Load #117
Exclusive First Look at the Remington Ultimate Defense 21 Pellet #4 Shot Reduced Recoil Load
Exclusive First Look at the Remington Ultimate Defense 21 Pellet #4 Shot Reduced Recoil Load
Yamil Sued introduces he new tool for testing ammo and guns Clear Ballistic Gel
In this episode of Gun Stock Videos, we take a critical look at ammunition from the 80’s. 90’s and the 2000’s and figure out if some ammo deserve the reputation they received from the media. Look at this video and you can decide for yourself. #GSR Federal #Springfield #Ballistic
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we test the ballistic performance of Federal Punch .22 LR Ammunition with the Taurus Barkeep. How will this new Personal Defense Ammunition perform with the 3″ Barrel of the Heritage Barkeep? Watch and check it out.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews Yamil Sued and Kat Anisworth test .380 ACP, 9mm & .45 ACP for Self Defense. Â We compare .380 ACP to 9mm to .45 ACP, you decide which one is best for your needs!!Â
Shooting Hollow points with the Remington RP45, do they feed reliably?? Please visit our Patreon Page at www.patreon.com/GunStockReviews, your contributions would be greatly appreciated and would help us grow our selections and frequency in our videos.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, take a quick trip to the range with the Taurus Raging Hunter, this time, with Fiocchi .45 Colt ammunition with plated projectiles.