Glock OEM Parts Shortage #1092
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we ask the question… Is there really a shortage of Glock OEM parts? We ask the pro.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we ask the question… Is there really a shortage of Glock OEM parts? We ask the pro.
Luth-AR MBA Stocks
Yamil Sued installs the Tandemkross Gator-Hide Bolt Tube Sleeve for the KelTec Sub2000.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we listened to our viewers and we are taking this 1980’s Bushmaster Carbine back to its original retro look, just with the change of the hand guard, and flash hider, we are taking this wonderful carbine to its original look.
In this episode we take a look on why i decided to change the grips on my Springfield Armory 10mm 1911 RO Elite operator. I love G10 grips, but why did I change them for other G10 grips. #GSR #Springfield #RO #1911 #10mm
In this episode of Gun Stock Videos, we take a critical look at ammunition from the 80’s. 90’s and the 2000’s and figure out if some ammo deserve the reputation they received from the media. Look at this video and you can decide for yourself. #GSR Federal #Springfield #Ballistic
Yamil Sued shows the new Taccom 2 Port Compensator for the Ruger PC Carbine