KelTec Sub 2000 with 45 Degree Scope Mount Range Time
KelTec Sub 2000 with 45 Degree Scope Mount Range Time
KelTec Sub 2000 with 45 Degree Scope Mount Range Time
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take the CROM Chassis for the Ruger PC Carbine to the range for the first time.
Yamil Sued reviews and tests the new APEX Trigger for the 5th Generation Glock 17 on Gun Stock Reviews
In this episode of Gun Stock Videos, we take a critical look at ammunition from the 80’s. 90’s and the 2000’s and figure out if some ammo deserve the reputation they received from the media. Look at this video and you can decide for yourself. #GSR Federal #Springfield #Ballistic
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we add Iron Sight Accessory on the Leupold DeltaPoint Pro on a Ruger PC Carbine.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take a look at the XS Sights Big Dot Tritium Orange Bead on Plain Barrel.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we take a first look at the he AAQBD Stock from Archangel Manufacturing for a standard Ruger 10-22.