Review of the Ruger LCP II in .380 #129
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we took a first look at the Ruger LCPII pocket pistol, this is a great pistol in a very small package!!
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we took a first look at the Ruger LCPII pocket pistol, this is a great pistol in a very small package!!
Yamil Sued takes the Taurus Spectrum to the Range.
EDC Maintenance for the Remington Lightweight Commander
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take a look at the Dawson Precision base pad for the SIG P320. Check out the great features and installation instructions.
Yamil Sued features the Obsidian Arms Basepads for the SIG P320
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take our Pocket Friendly Springfield Armory 1911 Project pistol to the range and do a quick test fire to figure out our point of Impact at ten yards to confirm if Marty’s suspicions were correct.
Yamil Sued does some more customizing on the Remington R1 Lightweight Commander