Springfield XD Service Model Mag Dump #808
We take the XD Service Model out to the range and do our favorite magazine dump.
We take the XD Service Model out to the range and do our favorite magazine dump.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, introduce the Brand New Taurus G3 and G3c T.O.R.O. Pistols. These two pistols add the option to add Red Dot Sights to the already versatile G3 and G3c pistols. This line also adds the versatility of using the widely available sights for Glock Pistols.
Yamil Sued range test of the Sig P365, many more to come…
In this episode we take some range time with the new SIG P320 X5 Legion. The Legion model takes the X5 concept a couple of notches higher with the new Tungsten Infused Polymer, this pistol is a very interesting choice for the Action Shooting Sports, not only accurate and reliable, but follow up shots are…
Yamil Sued talks about adjusting the Sights on a Ruger Security 9
Yamil Sued reviews the Caracal EF Limited Edition
Introduction to the Colt King Cobra #786 In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take a look at the Colt King Cobra. The new King Cobra is a .38 Special/.357 magnum revolver with Colt’s quality with modern manufacturing techniques. Check it out!!!