Adjusting the Sights on a Ruger Security 9
Yamil Sued talks about adjusting the Sights on a Ruger Security 9
Yamil Sued talks about adjusting the Sights on a Ruger Security 9
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we look at some options for mounting accessories to a Ruger PC Carbine.
Yamil Sued shows how to Switch the Bolt Handle on the Ruger PC Carbine
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we show the step by step process to change the magazine block in the Ruger PC Carbine to accept Glock magazines.
Yamil Sued Installs TruGlo Sights on SIG P320C using MGW Sight Pusher. Under no circumstances does TRUGLO recommend to use a punch/drift to install THEIR sights. While others may, Try-Glo does not support this installation technique…only a screw-style installation tool should be employed and it is always recommended to use a professional gunsmith with appropriate…
Yamil Sued installs Magpul Hardware on the Remington 870 T14 Handguard to get better handling of the Firearm.
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