Colt M4 6920 Build Test Fire #113
Yamil Sued test fires the Colt M4 6920 Build.
Yamil Sued test fires the Colt M4 6920 Build.
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, Range Time with the PTR 9R with the new Magpul Furniture #974.
Yamil Sued range tests the Glock 30 Round Magazine in the new Ruger PC Carbine
In this episode we take a first look at the Palmetto State Armory Gen 3 AR10. This rifle can be purchased as a complete rifle or as a parts kit, I ordered it as a complete lower receiver and a complete upper receiver. I added a Leupold mark AR Scope and we’re ready to roll!!…
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we take a quick look at the Taccom Carbon Fiber Handguard for the Ruger PC Carbine. If you want to shed some weight in your Ruger PC Carbine, this is the solution.
Yamil Sued reviews the Tru-Glo AR-15 Armorers Tool
LCAR Build Test Fire after Upgrades #676 In this episode we take the LCAR to the Range after doing all the Furniture Upgrades, they were all worth it!! When you take a moderately priced MSR and put a little TLC into it, you get a superb MSR and you can do most of it yourself!!…