Taurus Spectrum Range Time.
Yamil Sued takes the Taurus Spectrum to the Range.
Yamil Sued takes the Taurus Spectrum to the Range.
Yamil Sued range tests the new APEX Tactical Triggers for the Upgraded Sig Sauer P320.
Yamil checks out the MGM Steel Challenge Plate Rack affectionatly called the Plate Rack in a Bucket. MGM Steel Challenge Plate Rack
Yamil Sued reviews the Remington R1 Double Stack “LIMITED” 1911 9mm
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews Yamil Sued and Kat Anisworth test .380 ACP, 9mm & .45 ACP for Self Defense. We compare .380 ACP to 9mm to .45 ACP, you decide which one is best for your needs!!
In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews we took a first look at the Ruger LCPII pocket pistol, this is a great pistol in a very small package!!
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